Complaints Procedure
We always aim to meet your expectations. We take complaints very seriously and will always investigate them in a fair and impartial way, taking care to maintain your confidentiality. We always aim to learn from complaints and harness them to improve our patient care and customer service. If a complaint arises, we will never discriminate against the complainant.
Please let us know if you have any concerns or complaints about your care or the service you have received. You can email our Complaints Manager at:
Alternatively, please call reception on 01789 293 486 and ask to speak with our Manager, Shauna.
Our Complaints Manager will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days. We will investigate and provide a full response in writing as soon as possible, but within 20 working days.
We will keep detailed and confidential records about your complaint. These will be kept strictly confidential.
When the investigation has been completed, we will write to inform you of its outcome. We will seek to offer practical solutions and will invite you for a face-to-face meeting if desired.
If you don’t feel you can come directly to use about your complaint and your complaint relates to NHS treatment, you can email
If you don’t feel you can come directly to use about your complaint and your complaint relates to private treatment, you can contact the General Dental Council on 020 8253 0800 or at
You can contact the Care Quality Commission by calling 03000 616161. They regulate private and NHS dental services in England.
The General Dental Council regulates all Dental Professionals in the UK. All of our clinicians and nurses are registered with them. You can contact them at or call them on 020 7167 6000